Frequently Asked Question

What times does the U.City boiler run to provide hot water?
Last Updated 2 months ago

Last Update: 01/02/2024

Every 6-12 apartments share hot water. This unit warms water by hot water solar panels when the sun is shining and by the automated boiler.

Current Boiler Operating times: 5.30 a.m. - 7.30 a.m. & 6 p.m. -9.30 p.m. 

During summer season (May Onwards), the boiler will be set to run in the early morning only until term end.

Generally speaking, the whole system can take between 120-150 minutes to heat up from freezing cold. Providing that the water hasn’t been consumed, the hot water cylinders will keep the water hot for a number of hours provided no-one has used them. To ensure that you have hot water, tenants should ensure they are aware of these running times. Tenants should first try running the water for up to 1-2 minutes to see if the water is Hot. Tenants are reminded to be mindful of their consumption and other fellow tenants who also want hot showers.

Before opening a ticket, a tenant should check the hot water supply during this time(s). e.g at 7.30 a.m and 8.30p.m. Since the boiler would have been running for a number of hours, even if your neighbours have used the shower during this time the water should still be considerably hot, if not then there is a problem and you should open a ticket. It is also a good idea to check with your neighbour if they have been having any problems.

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